Here is a summary of the content you will learn in the level 1 course for beginners plus so much more…
“All my one-to-one training is also backed-up by my own unique training videos which I have created to assist your learning process after classes.”
– Calvin Dorman
- Installing a free WordPress template and then customising it with the Elementor Site Builder Plugin.
- Customising your site design by learning the tools/functions of the Elementor Site Builder
- Editing your Header by adding your company logo and adding a drop-down product list to your menu
- Adding a Footer and then also linking your footer social media icons to your Facebook page as well as any other social media sites you may have.
- Adding a Global style across your site pages which includes your Font style, Headings, Buttons, Colour palette and Links.
- Adding more new pages to your site and understanding how permalinks work
- Sourcing professional-looking stock photo images from free stock image websites and making sure the pixel-size is correct for opening pages much faster.
- Creating a home page Slider, a Carasoul and a pop-up Gallery to display a series of images.
- Installing essential free Plugins –
1. WPVivid Backup plugin for making a) Backups and
b) transferring your site.
2. Ninja Forms plugin for making customised fill-in Forms linked to your email address.
3. Yoast SEO plugin for ensuring that your site appears on the first page of Google when searched. - Adding basic search engine optimisation (SEO) to your site by learning all the functions/options of the Yoast SEO Plugin
- Creating and customising your Enquiry Form found on the Contact Us Page
- Adding a Google Map to your Contact Us Page to display the location of your company office.
- Adding more creative sections by downloading section builder templates and inserting them into your page and then editing the style.
- Making elements like buttons or images more responsive by adding appropriate motion effects.
- How to optimise your design to look great across different displays like mobile, tablet or desktop.
For CalvinAcademy students
– Knowledge / understanding of: the Market-place
– Knowledge / understanding the impact of industries
– What industry are your business in?
– Knowledge / understanding the wants of the Market
– Identifying the gap in the Market
– How competition determines your business positioning
– How competition affects your Pricing strategies
Knowledge / understanding your competitive advantage
– Staying ahead through Innovation / research
– Understanding the term “race to the top or bottom”
and its implications on your product offer.
– Understanding of intrinsic / perceived product quality
– Understanding / measuring added value
– How to sell your product / service
– Knowlege / understanding of Sales vs. Marketing
– Knowlege / understanding of Sales vs. Operations
– Understanding the needs / wants of the Market
– Exploring / understanding the concept:
“control the demand, not the equipment”
– Selling over the phone vs. face-to-face
– Selling techniques / skills
– How to Build the Brand
– Knowledge / understanding of Digital Maketing (internet)
– Knowledge / understanding of Visual Communications
– Types od Advertising and Branding
– Using different media and platforms for promotions
-Knowledge / understanding of Operational rquirements
– How to set operational goals and moitoring / delivering on promises made by the sales team
– Organising, controlling and evaluating operational goals
– How to delgate effectively and get quick feedback
– Knowledge / understanding of allocation of recources
– Distributions as an Operational function
-Knowledge / understanding of a balance sheet
-Knowldge / understanding of financial terms
– Profits, cashflow, cost of production,
return on investment (ROI), cost ratio
Knowledge / understanding of business administration
Outsourcing and staffing administration functions
Invoicing and maintenance administrative functions
Knowledge / understanding of long-term vs. short-term
Strategy for business innovations
How to think strategically at all times
How to brainstorm strategies within team groups
How to implement and monitor outcomes of strategies
– Knowlege / understanding of leadership requirements
– Communication of the Business Vision
– Knowlege / understanding of the company mission
– Atracting Investors
– Knowlege / understanding of staff vs partners
-Types of teams within the business
– Identifying and creating the right team
– Team motivation vs. incentives
– Understanding / implementation of the concept
“people buy from people”
For CalvinAcademy students
1. A Social Media Platform: Facebook or Instagram
2. A weekly Emailer for marketing promotions, newsupdates or just greater awareness of product offers
…Only having a website DOES NOT automatically generate LEADS and MARKET AWARENESS.
ACTIVE online marketing creates leads.
As you know, LEADS are vital for any business and is really just someone who contacts you who is interested in your product offer via emails, website forms and even whatsapp messages.
The number of website hits and Facebook likes do not automatically result in LEADS.
ACTIVE web/digital marketing includes the INTERGRATION of using all three digital TOOLS eg. Integrating your website, Facebook Page and emailers and targeting Facebook ads to drive inquiries as well as more traffic to your website for initial customer research on your company.
Creating an ACTIVE ONLINE STRATEGY which is INTERGRATED across all three platforms is essential.
Once the strategy is decided by management then the structured implementation of that strategy into a SYSTEM (method/habit) becomes vital to staff to action and report on.
This action upon a clear strategy will generate leads.
Your strategy should be brain-stormed with someone who is already using Web Marketing successful and who has experience (like myself) and should include the following:
1. USP
Unique selling Point. You must continually talk about and story-tell your USP via your integrated platform (Website/Facebook/Emailers) at least once a week.
NOTE: your USP must be focused on a competitive edge
(what it is about your offer that is different and better from your main competitor).
Your website should be LOADED WITH INFO regularly by having a news page dedicated to updates.
You should have a strategy whereby you can add info on a weekly basis which is to a certain extent duplicated on your Facebook and Emailers (via MailChimp).
Note: A Facebook LINK should ALSO be added to your website.
Your website must be updated regularly.
You must start writing or have someone write about your USP, BENEFITS and PROMISES in various different ways/forms to get “your story” out there in the market. You must START the story and keep it going to create momentum. People must get and engage with your story (not your offer initially) via your INTEGRATED MARKETING SYSTEM.
4. EMAILERS (weekly newsletter)
Your strategy must include a WEEKLY EMAILER using the FREE MailChimp App. The emailer is
sent to both current and new prospective clients so you must know how to grow your email list. The email
directs people to your website which is where they are influenced and convinced to CONTACT you via your, easy ONLINE FORM.
5. FACEBOOK (Social Media Marketing)
Besides posting EVERY DAY, your Facebook page strategy should include an opportunity to showcase a variety of themes: 1. Your USP 2. Your story 3. Your Offer 4. Your Give-away 5. Photos/ videos etc. Then you MUST have a TAGGING strategy AND a link that will direct people to your website. 90% of people who have seen you for the first time on Facebook will only contact you AFTER they have researched your product/service offer from your website….so there must be many links to your website. Please note: a website that does not have “linked info” will not start to convince anybody to consider your product offers. You must come across as an EXPERT that shows that you care about clients reaching their goals or getting a solution by choosing your company. I hope you have found my input helpful and also want to reap the results which I have achieved though 100% dedication.

One-to-One expert training
“One-to-one is still the best training method to understanding how all the functions/tools of WordPress actually works”
– Calvin Dorman